
These affiliates are companies whose products we endorse and use ourselves. We are proud to work with them, and going to their sites through this page helps support our company.

CCW Safe is the legal services plan my family uses. They have discounted plans for those who have a valid concealed carry permit.

Click this link to always get the lowest prices on your new or renewed NRA membership. They can be given as gifts, and if you are renewing, the new term is automatically added to the end of your current term. is your source for all of your concealed carry video training, accessory, or medical emergency supply needs. Maybe you want a new trauma kit for your home, vehicle, or range bag. Maybe you want to sign up for the Guardian Nation membership program and receive a quarterly concealed carry gear box as well as discounts on the site. Perhaps you want to get some online training for when things go bump in the night in your home, or see any of their other online or DVD training videos. Or maybe you just want some firearms law training or a book or e-book that breaks down the gun laws in all 50 states. If nothing else, check out their free app!

Did you know that you are eligible to get blue label Glocks at a significant discount over normal retail prices if you join the Glock Shooting Sports Foundation? Check out our Glock blue label section to learn more.

Mantis training systems allow you to see immediate feedback on your shooting performance, whether you are dry practicing at home, or live firing on the range. The Mantis systems will drastically improve your performance whether you are using a handgun or long gun, saving you valuable time and ammunition. By connecting the Mantis system on your firearm to the free app on your phone, you can track your shots, see your progress, and even complete challenges to earn patches for your collection.