A bullet can never be recalled, so there is no room for error when it comes to firearms safety.  Abiding by the following safety rules will prevent a tragedy. And don’t forget to check out our media section for safety videos.
- All guns are always loaded.
- Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy.
- Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target and you have decided to fire.
- Be sure of the target, as well as the surroundings and beyond.
- Not really a universal rule, but if you are dry practicing with your firearm indoors, then in addition to the four rules listed above, you must also have no live ammunition in the room!
If a sportsman true you’d be
Listen carefully to me …
Never, never let your gun
Pointed be at anyone.
That it may unloaded be
Matters not the least to me.
When a hedge or fence you cross
Though of time it cause a loss
From your gun the cartridge take
For the greater safety’s sake.
If ‘twixt you and neighbouring gun
Bird shall fly or beast may run
Let this maxim ere be thine:
“Follow not across the line.”
Stops and beaters oft unseen
Lurk behind some leafy screen.
Calm and steady always be:
“Never shoot where you can’t see.”
You may kill or you may miss
But at all times think this:
“All the pheasants ever bred
Won’t repay for one man dead.”